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Castello di Porciano
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Castello di Porciano

Fly Fishing in Tuscany

Fly Fishing in Tuscany

Imagine visiting Florence one day and fly-fishing on the headwaters of the Arno river the next...

The Casentino Valley, nestled in the Apennine Mountains of Tuscany, has a rich history of fishing dating back centuries. Our local catch-and-release zones on the Arno and Solano Rivers, and another an hour away on the Tiber River, are recognized as the Capital of Sportfishing in Italy.

Our local native brown trout, or 'trota fario' is renowned for its unique coloring.

Flyfishing in Casentino

Flyfishing in Casentino

The ideal periods for fishing are also the best times to visit Italy: March-May and September-December. Our concierge will pair you with a professional guide who has an intimate knowledge of the rivers and streams in the Valley. The local style of fishing 'Casentinesi' involving telescopic rods of between 15 and 40(!) feet in length is a treat to behold!  Our rivers hosted the 2024 World Championships and your guide can arrange for a lesson in this unique style as well.

Guide Rates:

1/2 Day – €150

Full Day – €250 with streamside picnic lunch, or in local trattoria adjacent to stream

Gear Rental:

1/2 Day –  €30

Full Day – €45

We can also arrange visits to our two local trout farms.  The oldest dating to its original service to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Ferdinand I de’ Medici, who issued the “Edict of the Waters and Forests” in 1588 and aimed to regulate and protect the natural resources, including fish, within the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

Castello di Porciano